Chickpea Curry Stew

Къри яхния с нахут2 682x1024 Chickpea Curry Stew

Chickpea Curry Stew


1 can chickpeas, 400g
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp curry
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp fenugreek powder
1 tbsp dried parsley
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1/3 tsp ginger powder
1 large carrot
1 handful dried porcini mushrooms (or 250 g fresh mushrooms)
Boiling water
Butter and oil to taste
Salt and pepper
Potato flakes for mashed potatoes or cornstarch (to thicken the sauce)

 Къри яхния с нахут 22 682x1024 Chickpea Curry Stew


Rinse and chop the vegetables. Then pour a good drizzle of oil into a medium-sized saucepan (2 to 2.5 liters). Stir-fry the onion and garlic and add the curry, cumin, fenugreek and ginger, pre-mixed. Brown them for about ten seconds and cut the process with boiling water.

Then add the other dry spices, salt and pepper (to taste), carrot, chickpeas (drained) and dried mushrooms (if you are using fresh ones, you can cook them at the beginning with the onion, before the spices). Cover the vegetables with boiling water by 2 to 3 cm. Let simmer for 25 minutes.

If the broth has reduced considerably, add more hot water. Especially if you like to have more sauce. Adjust the seasoning of the curry stew with fresh parsley and butter. Then thicken the sauce with 2-3 tablespoons of potato flakes (just sprinkle them on) or 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (previously diluted with cold water). Stir well and simmer for another 5 minutes to thicken the sauce and cook the flakes or cornstarch.

Serve with your favorite variety of boiled rice. We like to top each plate with a poached egg and grated cheese (comté or gouda).

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Bulgarian Bean Soup

Боб чорба2 1024x685 Bulgarian Bean Soup

Bulgarian Bean Soup


1 bowl of dried white beans
1-2 dried red peppers (mild) or ½ fresh red bell pepper
1 handful of dried tomatoes or 1 small tomato
1 teaspoon of dried celery, savory, flat mint and onion (from each spice)
1 carrot
1 onion
Cooking oil
Salt and pepper


Place the dried beans in a casserole, cover with tap water and let rest overnight. The next day, bring them to a boil and cook until tender, changing the first water shortly after boiling.

Stir fry the chopped onion until transparent in a drizzle of oil. Add it to the pan with the beans. Then add all the spices, the carrot (cut into slices), the peppers and the tomatoes, dried or fresh, previously chopped.

Continue cooking until the carrots are well cooked through and the broth turns creamy (about 30 minutes).

Serve the bean soup hot with a good fresh bread.

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Twisted bread

Вита питка1 681x1024 Twisted bread

Twisted bread
According to my grandmother’s recipe


1 kg plain flour
1 sachet of fresh yeast
3 eggs
2 tablespoons oil
1 level tablespoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
100 ml milk
80 g soft butter
250 g feta cheese

Вита питка 31 680x1024 Twisted bread


Sift two-thirds of the flour into a deep bowl and make a well in the middle. Dilute the yeast with the sugar, a spoonful of flour and the lukewarm milk. Let rise in a warm place. Then pour into the flour well. Also dip in the eggs (1 yolk can be kept to golden the top of the bread, I didn’t do it), oil, salt and about 1 ½ cups of warm water. Mix everything together and knead until you get a soft dough. Cover and let rise in a warm place.

Вита питка 21 Twisted bread

When the dough has almost tripled in size, divide it into 3 equal sized balls. Roll each out to 3-4 mm thick. Brush generally the surface of all 3 of them with soft butter and sprinkle with crumbled feta. Then lay the dough sheets over another and roll them up together. Then begin to twist the two ends in opposite directions, transmitting this movement towards the middle. The roll gradually becomes thinner and longer. When it makes it as thick as a baguette, roll it into a snail.

Transfer the twisted bread to a round baking dish, lined with parchment paper. Oil the top, cover and let stand another 1 hour in a warm place.

Вита питка 42 1024x681 Twisted bread

Bake the twisted bread at 180°C for about 50 to 60 minutes. If necessary, cover with aluminum foil during cooking. Out of the oven, butter the top again. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

How the steps look like:

20250109 113412 copy1 576x1024 Twisted breadВита питка 33 576x1024 Twisted breadВита питка 2 copy1 576x1024 Twisted breadA bread of a bit more than 1 kg of flour, weighed 2070 g!

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Algerian cakes Mkhabez

Mkhabez algerien 22 682x1024 Algerian cakes Mkhabez

Algerian cakes Mkhabez
Based on my French friend Audrey’s recipe

Ingredients for 20-24 cakes:

300 g of almond powder
150 g of icing sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
Grated lemon zest
1 egg
1 egg yolk

For the icing:

2 egg whites
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of oil
2 tablespoons of milk
2 tablespoons of orange blossom water
Icing sugar, more than 500 g
Sugar figurines for decoration (my children made marzipan roses)

 Mkhabez algerien2 682x1024 Algerian cakes Mkhabez


In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients from the 1st group above (including the lemon zest). Make a dough by adding the egg and, if necessary, the egg yolk. Almonds contain fat and the more we knead, the more fat is released which helps to obtain a compact mass.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin on baking paper aiming for a thickness of 1.5 cm (I have made it thinner, around 1 cm). Using a cookie cutter, cut out biscuits with a diameter of about 5-6 cm. Place the biscuits on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake at 160°C until lightly golden. Let cool on rack.

Meanwhile, prepare the icing. Mix all the liquid ingredients from the second group. Whisk by hand. Gradually add the sifted icing sugar and mix well after each portion. The icing is of the required texture, when lifting a little with a spatula, the dripping down quantity is interrupted.

Dip the cooled cakes one by one in the icing, top side down (without covering the bottom) and place them on a rack to drain. Decorate the cakes to taste (they are usually decorated with sugar paste flowers) and let the icing dry.

Store the Mkhabez in a cookie jar. If eaten immediately after preparation, they are crunchy, and when they come out of the jar, they are soft.

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Puff pastry appetizer

Парти хапки с бутер тесто 2 rz2 682x1024 Puff pastry appetizer

Puff pastry appetizer


Puff pastry or shortcrust pastry, pure butter
Smoked sausages (sodium nitrate free, if possible)
Emmental cheese or portions of Laughing Cow (Vache qui rit)

Парти хапки с бутер тесто rz2 1024x682 Puff pastry appetizer


Spread the puff pastry on the work surface keeping its parchment paper. Divide the dough into 3 parallel strips approximately 10 centimeters wide. Place 2 sausages along a pastry strip or pieces of cheese (block shaped).

Then, roll up each strip making a sort of long sausage. Cut into bites of 15 to 20 mm. Transfer each roll to a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper. Place the bites vertically.

Bake the appetizer bites in the oven at 200°C until they are nicely golden. About 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the oven. Serve hot.

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Pasta cake

Макарони на фурна2 1024x682 Pasta cake

Pasta cake
A Bulgarian recipe called Oven baked macaroni


500 ml of milk
4 eggs
3-4 tablespoons of sugar
140 g of pasta (fusilli, shells, penne, etc.)
30-40 g butter

Макарони на фурна 22 1024x682 Pasta cake


Cook the pasta in salted water and a sip of oil, according to the time instructions on the package. Once well cooked through, shower the pasta with cold water (to stop the cooking process) and drain well.

In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar and milk. Flavor with vanilla.

Pour the pasta into an oiled baking dish. Top with the egg mixture. Sprinkle cubes of butter on all over the pasta.

Bake the pasta cake at 180°C until golden brown or around 40 to 50 minutes.

Serve the pasta cake at room temperature or cold. It is possible and even quite delicious to bottom to baking dish with caramel before pouring over the eggs and pasta. But the original Bulgarian recipe didn’t have such layer.

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Ladies’ caprice cake

Дамски каприз 2 rz2 682x1024 Ladies caprice cake

Ladies’ caprice cake
Based on my grandmother’s recipe


5 egg yolks
2/3 cup sugar
125 g butter
1 dose of vanilla
250 g of plain yogurt
1 sachet of baking powder
2 cups of flour

 5 egg whites
6-8 tablespoons of sugar
1 dose of vanilla
½ cup jam or marmalade
50 g of walnuts


Cream the egg yolks and sugar using an electric mixer. Then stir in the butter, vanilla and yogurt. While whisking, gradually add the flour and baking powder (both sifted).

Pour the mixture into a large baking dish and smooth out (my mold measured 32 by 20 cm).

Bake at 180°C until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick, inserted in the middle, comes out dry (30 to 40 minites).

Whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks with a pinch of salt. Gradually add the sugar, without interrupting the mixer. Flavor with vanilla (my grandmother didn’t put any).

While the cake is still warm, spread the jam of your choice on top (I had green fig jam), sprinkle evenly with chopped walnuts and cover with a thick, even layer of beaten egg whites. Make waves with the back of a tablespoon.

Return the Ladies’s caprice cake in the oven and continue baking until the top of the egg whites is golden brown (10-15 minutes).

Let cool completely before serving.

Дамски каприз rz2 682x1024 Ladies caprice cake

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Wine kebab

Винен кебаб2 681x1024 Wine kebab

Wine kebab


600 g of meat (pork, beef, chicken)
2 onions
¼ tea mug of oil
1 tablespoon of flour
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 tablespoon of tomato paste or 1 tomato
150 ml of red wine
1-2 bay leaves
Black pepper, salt and parsley


Chop the meat into bite-sized pieces, mince the onion. Heat the oil in a saucepan and simmer the meat and onion. When the meat turns white and the onion becomes transparent, add the sweet paprika, stir vigorously and without delay add the tomato paste (diluted in a little water) and the flour.

Cover everything with boiling water, stir well to dilute the flour and avoid lumps. Then pour in the red wine and season with salt, black pepper and bay leaf and let simmer over low heat. When the dish is ready (chicken meat takes about 30 minutes, pork and beef – 40-50 minutes), sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Serve with a scoop of boiled rice or on a canape of mashed potatoes.

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Beef stew with green peas

Телешко с грах 26 Beef stew with green peas

Beef stew with green peas
Traditional Bulgarian recipe


400 g of beef or veal for stew
1 large can of green peas (or fresh/frozen peas)
1 tomato
1 onion
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of tomato paste
1 tablespoon of flour
Salt to taste
10 g butter
Fresh dill


In a deep saucepan, heat 4-5 tablespoons of oil. Chop the meat into small chunks and brown them on all sides. Add the chopped onion and sauté until transparent. Salt to taste and sprinkle with paprika. Stir for 10 seconds (no more, as paprika burns quickly).

Then incorporate the minced tomato and the tomato paste (the latter diluted with a little water). Pour over enough boiling water to cover the meat and let simmer on low heat with the lid on.

When the meat is well cooked through (it takes over an hour), add the canned peas (drained from the water). If you are using fresh or frozen peas, dip them in halfway through cooking.

Dilute the flour with a little cold water (crush or filter the lumps) and pour this preparation into the dish while stirring. Let simmer for a further 10 minutes.

Off the heat, season the beef and pea stew with a little chopped dill, ground black pepper and the knob of butter. Let rest for 10 to 20 minutes before serving.

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Biscuit cake for kids

Бисквитена торта по детски 682x1024 Biscuit cake for kids

Biscuit cake for kids


90 g flour
3-4 tablespoons of coconut sugar (or honey)
800 ml of milk
½ Tonka bean
1 teaspoon of natural vanilla extract / 1 vanilla pod
20 g butter

10-12 baby biscuits or petit-beurre
10 dried dates, pitted


Whisk the flour and coconut sugar in the saucepan you will be using to cook the cream. If you prefer honey to coconut sugar, stir it in only after removing the already cooked cream from heat.

Then, gradually whisk in the cold milk and pop in the vanilla and grated Tonka bean.

Bring the batter to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk or with a wooden spatula. I’m more comfortable on medium heat. Cook the cream until thick and smooth. Dip in the knob of butter and aerate the cream with a hand blender for 2-3 minutes (even if it is perfectly smooth, without any lumps).

Grease an appropriately sized ceramic dish. Mine was 18 cm by 20 cm (inside). Spread 1/3 of the cream on the bottom of the dish. Place 5 or 6 baby cookies on top and sprinkle with date slices.

Then cover with the second third of cream and garnish again with biscuits and dates. Finish with the last third of cream. You can put more biscuits, I only had 12. But the cake was to our liking, with a lot of cream.

Let cool completely before decorating and serving the cake. Ours had a frame of crushed baby biscuits and date slices.

Бисквитена торта по детски3 Biscuit cake for kids


As we do not have an active social life, we create our own holidays and reasons to smile at home. An occasion like this are the moons of our 2 little ones. Every month, on their date of birth, I give them a little party with decoration, birthday-like cake, “birthday” candle (to blow out 10 times each) and a small gift such as a book, a small plastic animal, a game, etc. And we feel good.

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