Category Archives: Pickles
Pickled master’s peppers
Pickled master’s peppers Ingredients: 2 kg of Marter’s peppers* (hot or mild) 1 liter of vinegar ½ liter of water 100 g salt 100 g sugar 100 g of sunflower oil Garlic Fresh dill Aspirin tablets by Bayer Preparation: In … Continue reading
Apetitka sauce
Apetitka sauce Based on my grandmother’s recipe Dose: 14 jars of 180 ml Ingredients: 3.5 kg of red peppers 2.5 kg of tomatoes Salt to taste 350 ml of sunflower oil 1 handful of sliced garlic 1 cup sugar 40 … Continue reading
Bulgarian sauerkraut
Bulgarian sauerkraut My grandfather’s recipe Ingredients: 6 white cabbages (+2.5 kg each) 1 dry corn cob 1 horseradish root Coarse sea salt, 400 g per 10 liters of water Potassium sorbate Small red cabbage or red beetroots for color … Continue reading
Pickled roasted flat peppers
Pickled roasted flat peppers Ingredients: Red bell peppers, flat variety, medium sized Salt Sugar Sunflower oil Apple vinegar Preparation: Normally, it takes about 10-12 flat red peppers to fill a jar of 400 ml. They lose a lot of volume … Continue reading
Bulgarian luytenitsa
Bulgarian luytenitsa My grandmother’s recipe Ingredients for 18 jars of 180 ml: 5 kg of red peppers 3 kg of tomatoes 3 ½ teaspoons salt 300 ml of sunflower oil 2 tablespoons dried savory (or ground cumin) 100 g sugar … Continue reading
Royal salad (Bulgarian pickles)
Royal salad (Bulgarian pickles) Based on my grandmother’s recipe Ingredients: Cauliflower Carrots Red peppers Celery root (with leaves) Cabbage Parsley Organic cider vinegar Sugar and salt Aspirin (in tablets) Preparation: The quantity of vegetables is determined according to the … Continue reading
Grilled bell pepper pickles
Grilled bell pepper pickles Based on my grandmother’s recipe Ingredients for 1 jar of 800 ml: 1 kg of red bell peppers 60 g vinegar 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 level tablespoon of salt 2 tablespoons of oil 2 … Continue reading