Pizza with mozzarella, flageolet beans and prosciutto
1 cup of wholegrain flour
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of dry baker’s yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
½ cup of lukewarm water
1 mozzarella ball
½ cup canned flageolet beans (or white beans)
Thin slices of raw ham
1 tablespoon of ghee or butter
Black olives
Dried or fresh thyme
Olive oil and black pepper
Sift the flour into a bowl and stir in the other dry ingredients. Make a well in the middle. Pour the olive oil and water into this well. Work with a fork to make a sticky dough that looks like a cake dough. Cover the bowl with a piece of cling film and a towel and let stand 2 to 3 hours in a warm place.
When the batter doubles in size, oil your hands and work until you obtain a smooth dough that no longer sticks (dusting with flour as needed). Make a ball, then pulling the edges, stretch the dough so as to have a round and thin pizza base.
Brush the dough with olive oil. Filter the flageolet beans from the cooking juice and cook them briefly in the butter (to dry and flavor them). Then spread them over the pizza. Garnish with slices of mozzarella and prosciutto. Sprinkle the pizza with fresh or dried thyme and give it 2-3 grinds of the pepper mill.
Bake the mozzarella pizza at 200°C until golden brown or between 25 to 30 minutes.