Bulgarian rolled biscuits with walnuts and Turkish delight

Локумки с орехи1 769x1024 Bulgarian rolled biscuits with walnuts and Turkish delight

Bulgarian rolled biscuits with walnuts and Turkish delight


500 g flour (or a little more/less)
1 cup lard or melted butter
1 cup of yogurt
1 level teaspoon of baking soda
½ cup of sugar
1 egg

Turkish delight, nature
Icing sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Локумки с орехи 21 1024x769 Bulgarian rolled biscuits with walnuts and Turkish delight


Mix the yogurt and baking soda in a deep bowl and let rise. Then, whisk in the oil, melted butter (or lard), sugar and egg. Finally, spoon in the flour. Knead the batter until you have a soft and elastic dough.

Divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Roll each out into a round sheet 4 to 5 mm thick. Cut into 6 to 8 cm large triangles (like a pizza) using a pizza cutter.

Place a piece of Turkish delight and ¼ walnut on the base of each triangle. Roll the dough from the base to the pointed end making a croissant-shaped biscuit. Do the same with the rest of the triangles.

Place the Bulgarian rolled biscuits (called loukoomki) on a large baking dish and bake at 180°C until lightly golden. Let cool on a wire rack and transfer to a thick plastic bag. Seal the bag and let the biscuits sit overnight to soften.

The next day, sprinkle with icing sugar (flavored with vanilla).

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