Bulgarian Mish-Mash

Миш Маш1 Bulgarian Mish Mash

Bulgarian Mish-Mash


4 eggs
3-4 red peppers
1-2 tomatoes
1 onion
100-150 g crumbled feta
Salt and pepper
Oil and butter


Finely chop the onion, peel the tomato and cut it into cubes, remove the stem and seeds of the peppers and cut them into pieces.

In a deep non-stick pan (wok type, but lidded), pour a drizzle of oil and tip the onion first. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Then add the peppers. Cook for 5 more minutes before adding the tomatoes as well. Continue cooking for 10 minutes.

When the liquid from the vegetables evaporates, add the feta, beaten eggs and finely chopped parsley. Flavor the mish-mash with butter and black pepper, salt to taste. Increase the heat and stir, while continuing to cook.

When the eggs are cooked through, turn off the heat. Serve the mish-mash hot (although we like it cold too).

Миш Маш 21 Bulgarian Mish Mash

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2 Responses to Bulgarian Mish-Mash

  1. ashok says:

    Thanks For Sharing this amazing recipe. My family loved it. I will be sharing this recipe with my friends. Hope the will like it.

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