Carrot and rice quiche

Киш с ориз1 Carrot and rice quiche

Carrot and rice quiche


200 g flour
100 g cold butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg

1 small onion
2 tablespoons fresh or frozen peas (optional)
1 glass of round rice
1 carrot
2 tablespoons of oil
Fresh dill and parsley
15 g butter
Salt and pepper to taste

3 eggs
250 g yogurt
100 g grated cheese (such as Gouda, Emmental, Gruyère)
100 g of feta cheese
2-3 melted cheese triangles (such as Laughing Cow)


In a bowl, combine the salt and flour. Add the soft butter, rubbing with your fingertips until you get evenly buttered crumbs. Blend together with the egg and 2 tablespoons of water. Work until you have a soft dough. Roll it out into a thin sheet and line a quiche dish with it. Refrigerate until ready to bake.

For the garnish, combine the rinsed rice, grated carrot, green peas, oil and chopped onion in a saucepan. Cover with 3 glasses of water (the same glass that was used to measure the rice) and bring to a boil. Season with salt and pepper and simmer until the rice is cooked through and absorbs the water. It takes about 20-25 minutes. Finally, flavor the dish with the butter and the chopped dill and parsley. Leave aside to cool.

In a bowl, whisk the eggs and yogurt, then stir in the grated hard cheese, the crumbled feta cheese and as much of the rice as you judge you can fit in the quiche base. Pour this device over the shortcrust pastry base.

Decorate with Laughing Cow triangles and bake at 180°C for about 60 minutes. Let rest about twenty minutes before cutting.

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2 Responses to Carrot and rice quiche

  1. Тики, ако се чудиш къде е парчето от снимката, нищо не знам, стомахът ми е виновен… Аз просто си го харесах, толкова…
    Прекрасен киш си сътвотила, много ми харесва! И звучи, и изглежда чудесно. Да ви е сладко и… кишесто. :) ))
    Поздрави на Франция от България! :)

    • TiKi says:

      Липсват 2 парчета, Гери! Или си била мнооооого гладна или си си довела и съучастник! ;)
      Радвам се, че ти харесва :) Кишът май е нещо, което винаги е сполучливо и вкусно :)
      Благодаря за поздравите, шепа слънце и чист въздух пращам и на теб :)

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