Green salad with quince cheesecake

Салата с тортичка от дюла и сирене1 1024x685 Green salad with quince cheesecake

Green salad with quince cheesecake

Ingredients for 2 servings:

1 large ripe quince
100 g sugar
50 ml cognac
1 small cinnamon stick

50 g blue cheese
150 g cheese spread
1 teaspoon dry or fresh thyme
Black pepper to taste

1 tablespoon fine mustard
60 ml olive oil

1 handful of toasted and chopped walnuts
Fresh salad


Cut the quince in half lengthwise, remove the core. Combine sugar, cognac, a little water and the cinnamon stick in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and immerse the quince halves. Cook until softened. Drain and let cool.

Take 2 stainless steel molds 6 to 8 cm in diameter and place a few quince slices in it to make a base. Mix the cheeses and spices into a homogeneous paste, then distribute it in the 2 molds. Press to smooth. Finish the cheesecakes with a new layer of quince slices. Let cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

To make the salad sauce, emulsify the mustard, olive oil and the cooking juice of the quince.

To present the salad, arrange a few green salad leaves on 2 plates. Drizzle with sauce. Place an unmolded quince cheesecake in the middle of each plate. Sprinkle with walnuts and serve.

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