Two ingredient velouté

Крем супа с 2 съставки 2 1024x517 Two ingredient velouté

Two ingredient velouté

Ingredients for 2 people:

1 vegetable (pumpkin, cauliflower or broccoli), approx. 600 ml volume in small cubes
1 type of cereal (oats, rye, buckwheat or a mixture of several cereals), 1 handful
1 tablespoon butter
Salt to taste (without salt, if it is for a baby)
Black pepper (without pepper, if it’s for a baby)


Boil some water in a pan and cut the vegetable in dice. Dip them in the boiling water, which should cover the vegetable with about 1 cm. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then add the cereals and spices. In the broccoli version, I add some fresh mint, for the cauliflower version – a pinch of dried onion and carrot. Adjust the quantity of cereals according to the preferred thickness of the soup. We prefer it more creamy. Boil for an additional 10 minutes. Away from heat, flavor the soup with a knob of butter.

Blend until smooth consistence and serve the velouté warm with croutons or cubes of favorite cheese, such as Gouda, feta, Gruyere, blue cheese.

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