Tarator with pesto and avocado

Таратор с авокадо и песто 1024x682 Tarator with pesto and avocado

Tarator with pesto and avocado
Bulgarian cold soup


For the pesto:

1 bunch of spinach
150-200 ml olive oil
2-3 tablespoons parmesan
1 garlic clove
1 handful of walnuts (raw or roasted without salt)

For the soup:

500 g plain yoghurt
1 large cucumber (long and thin, if possible)
1 medium ripe avocado
2 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped
1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint (optional)
Olive oil and salt to taste
1 garlic clove

 Таратор с авокадо и песто 2 1024x682 Tarator with pesto and avocado


First, prepare the pesto. For this, gather all ingredients in a blender. Grind to a smooth sauce. Adjust the amount of olive oil and parmesan cheese or walnuts to obtain a relatively thick pesto. Cover and refrigerate. The quantity is more than necessary. Serve the rest with a salad or pasta.

In another bowl, prepare the soup tarator. Whisk the yogurt with 4 tablespoons pesto (you can put more, it’s a question of taste) and dilute with fresh water. It’s up to you to determine the thickness of the soup by adjusting the amount of water. Then add crushed garlic, salt and olive oil. Stir. Finally, dip in the fresh herbs, and the cucumber and avocado into small cubes.

Serve the soup cold. If you give this soup to your baby (12+) as well, put less salt in the soup and pesto, and replace the tap water with bottled.

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