Spinach with poached eggs

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Spinach with poached eggs

Ingredients for 2 persons:

2 large handfuls of spinach (about 150-200 grams)
2 eggs (or 4, if you are really hungry)
Salt and pepper
Sweet paprika
Grated cheese
1 handful chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons canola oil
Knob of butter


Rinse and dry the spinach, remove thicker stems. Pour about ½ to 1 cm of water at the bottom of a deep saucepan (appropriately sized to fit the volume of the raw spinach). Add a little oil and some butter. Bring to a boil and dip in the spinach. Cover the pot and simmer until the spinach loses its volume (but is still of a fresh green color). It cooks fast, in 1 or 2 minutes. By cons, at this point, the spinach bathes in broth, which is good. Season with salt.

Then make 2 or 4 hollows in the spinach and tuck in 2 or 4 eggs. Cover the pan and lower the heat. Simmer the time to cook eggs to your liking –soft-boiled, well cooked, hard-boiled.

Remove from heat, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, chopped walnuts, black pepper and paprika. Cover again and let sit for a minute, until the cheese melts and flavors are exchanged. Serve warm.

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