Viennese bun pizza

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Viennese bun pizza
Based on the recipe of a cousin of my grandmother


5-6 Viennese buns (the recipe)
200 g of smoked ham
200-250 g grated cheese
60 g butter
Caraway or cumin, ground and grains
About 1 cup of milk

 Пица с виенски кифли 22 682x1024 Viennese bun pizza


Preheat oven to 200°C and butter a baking pan of 22 cm. Cut the buns into slices of even thickness. Dip half of them in milk and place in the dish, leaving no empty spaces. Scatter over the finely chopped ham and half the cheese.

Make a second layer of buns, also dipped in milk. Then garnish the pizza with the remaining cheese and season with caraway. Cut the butter into slices and put them on the pizza.

Bake the pizza until the cheese is melted and golden, about 20-30 minutes. Serve warm.

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