Leek rolls with mung beans and nettles

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Leek rolls with mung beans and nettles


2 leeks
A 2-liter bowl full of fresh nettles
1 cup cooked mung beans
Olive or sunflower oil
6-10 pitted prunes
Nutmeg, black pepper and dried mint to taste
2 handfuls of nuts (I had bleached peanuts)

Cheese or grated parmesan

 Рулца от праз с коприва и боб мунго 22 683x1024 Leek rolls with mung beans and nettles


Boil the mung beans in three times their volume of water. Let simmer for 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, season with salt and 2 pinches of dried savory and mint. Drizzle with a gulp of oil. You can boil more than necessary and eat the rest separately. It is very good even plain.

While the beans are cooking, rinse and dry the nettles, remove the stems. There is no need to cut them. Trim the darkest green part and the small roots off the leeks and strip away the first 4 to 6 layers. Reserve the latter for the rolls, mince the rest.

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In a saucepan, heat 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Gently simmer the leeks, covered, for 5-6 minutes (until they are tender and give off an appetizing smell), then add the nettles. Pour in a sip of boiling water and oil. When the nettles lose their volume, add the cooked mung beans, prunes (chopped), nuts and spices. Continue cooking for 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat and leave aside to rest, lidded. You can serve the dish at that point. You will have a lean and very tasty meal.

For the rolls, dip the reserved peels of the leeks in boiling salted water for a few seconds. Then take one and put a little stuffing on one end and wrap. Place the rolls in a baking dish, brush them with butter or oil and sprinkle with pepper and grated cheese. Brown in the oven for 10 minutes, placing the grid in the middle and serve hot.

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