Stuffed peppers with beans and spinach

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Stuffed peppers with beans and spinach


1-1.2 kg yellow peppers
200 g of cooked white beans (canned or jarred)
1 cup short grain rice
½ bunch spinach
½ bunch parsley
3 carrots
1 medium onion
Oil, salt and pepper to taste
2 pinches of Espelette pepper, dried mint and savory
½ teaspoon ground fenugreek
1/3 teaspoon ground coriander


Finely chop the onion and parsley, cut the spinach into strips and grate the carrots.

Gradually, sauté the vegetables in a little oil. Start with the onion, continue with the greens and finish with the carrots and rice. Pour half a cup of hot water. Season the stuffing with the spices mentioned above and simmer for a few minutes while the rice absorbs the liquid.

Meanwhile, rince, stem and seed the peppers. Then fill them to the brim with stuffing, prick here and there with a knife and place them upright in a deep earthenware dish. It is preferable that it has a lid. Pour in enough hot water to cover the peppers halfway up.

Bake the dish at 200°C for 90 minutes, covered or wrapped in aluminum foil. Then remove the lid and bake for a further 20-30 minutes. Serve hot.

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