Italian taralli

Домашни тарали2 680x1024 Italian taralli

Italian taralli
Or salted pretzels

Ingredients for 35-40 pretzels:

2 cups flour
½ teaspoons salt
100 ml of white wine
7-8 tablespoons olive oil (light)

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Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt and stir. Then, pour in the wine and olive oil. Adding a little water, make a fairly soft dough. Cover and let stand for half an hour.

Divide the dough into 2 or 3 balls and stretch each into a sausage. Then, cut each one into small chunks (about the size of a cherry) and shape small sticks of 1 cm in diameter. Finally, join both ends to get a pretzel.

Bring 2 liters of water to a boil in a deep pan. Salt. Dive in the taralli by batches of 10 maximum. Wait until they appear on the surface and “fish” them with a slotted spoon. Arrange them directly on a baking dish covered with parchment paper.

Bake the salted pretzels in the oven at 180°C until golden brown. Cool completely (or at least a little) before serving. Keep them in a cookie jar, so they do not soften.

Домашни тарали 32 681x1024 Italian taralli

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