Aromatic chicken rolls

Ароматни пилешки рулца1 1024x682 Aromatic chicken rolls

Aromatic chicken rolls


2 chicken breasts, boneless
2 teaspoons mustard (with red wine would be perfect)
4 slices of smoked ham or prosciutto
2-3 pickled cucumbers
1 slice of celeriac
200 g of mushrooms
2 tablespoons grapeseed oil (or other)
2 carrots
1 head of broccoli
Dried shallots
Parsley and fresh thyme
200 ml dry white wine
Salt and pepper


Rinse the fillets and cut them in a way to obtain 4 flat and wide enough slices. Season both sides with salt and pepper. Spread half a teaspoon mustard on each fillet. Then cover with a slice of prosciutto or ham. On one end, lay sticks of pickled cucumbers and carrots, and a few sprigs of parsley and thyme. Roll the fillets into bundles and fix them with wooden skewers or toothpicks.

Arrange the rolls in a ceramic baking dish. Spread the mushrooms (whole), carrot sticks and celery slices around them. Season with salt, pepper, a few sprigs of thyme and parsley (stems included) and dried shallots. Pour in the wine and drizzle the rolls with oil. Also add a little water (if you feel it’s necessary). Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 50 minutes at 200°C. Then, remove the foil and continue cooking for 15 minutes. Thicken the sauce on the heat, either by adding a spoon of rice flour or 40-50 ml of milk cream.

Serve the chicken rolls sliced​​, topped with sauce. Garnish with mushrooms, carrots and broccoli florets (the latter steamed separately and briefly jumped into butter) .

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