Sea bream with olives and thyme

Дорада с маслини и мащерка1 1024x682 Sea bream with olives and thyme

Sea bream with olives and thyme


1 bream (or sea bass, trout , other)
2 sprigs of fresh parsley and thyme
Small black olives (Greek-style)
Salt and pepper to taste
A few slices of lemon

1 head of broccoli
1 small can of corn (140 g for me)
1 liter of sparkling water (optional)
Salt and pepper

Ghee or butter


Gut the fish (if you have bought it entire), removing the internal abdominal membrane as well. Rinse under cold water and dry. Put the bream on a sheet of parchment paper, lining a baking dish of suitable size. Salt and pepper well, both inside and outside. Stuff its belly with parsley and fresh thyme, black olives and butter. Prick the skin here and there with small pieces of lemon. Finally, put a few tablespoons of ghee on the bream and wrap it in the baking paper fixing the parcel with a stapler.

Bake in a preheated to 200°C oven for 30 minutes. Then unwrap the package and continue cooking for 5 minutes under the grill function of the oven.

While the fish is in the oven, prepare the vegetables. Bring the sparkling water to the boil in a deep pan. Detach the broccoli is small florets, rinse and place in the pan. Boil for 10-12 minutes. Towards the end, salt. Then cut the cooking process by dipping broccoli in a bowl of ice water (this will keep their fresh color). Melt a little butter in a saucepan. Sauté the corns and 1 handful of olives in it. Add the broccoli. Let golden for 1-2 minutes.

Serve the sea bream with olives placed on a large dish, garnished with the vegetables.

Дорада с маслини и мащерка 21 682x1024 Sea bream with olives and thyme

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