Nettle stew with morels and quail eggs

Копривеник с пумпалка и яйчица1 1024x683 Nettle stew with morels and quail eggs

Nettle stew with morels and quail eggs


400 g young nettles
1 handful of dried morels (or boletus)
2 sun-dried tomatoes
2 spring onions
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon of spelt flour (or other)
16 quail eggs
200 g fresh goat cheese or mozzarella
Butter and paprika


Wash and finely chop the nettles (proceed with household gloves). Slice the spring onions, cut the dried tomatoes into small chunks. Stew the nettles and onions in a saucepan. Cook lidded in a little olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and parsley. Dilute the flour in a little water. Pour it slowly into the stewed nettles, stirring constantly. Also add a little water (not as much as to make a soup), put the mushrooms and sundried tomatoes.

Cover and cook 30 minutes over low heat. When the stew is ready (with a nice thick sauce) dip in a piece of butter. Then break close to the surface 12 quail eggs (count 3 per serving). Poach them about 3 minutes and remove the stew from heat. Cook the other quail eggs separately 3-4 minutes in boiling water.

To serve, garnish each bowl with a boiled quail egg, sprinkle with cheese and drizzle with a little melted butter, flavored with paprika.

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3 Responses to Nettle stew with morels and quail eggs

  1. TiKi says:

    Bulgarian cuisine loves fresh nettles. You can often find them in soups, stews or pies. Get inspired by one sophisticated version :)

  2. Ох, че вкусотия… Слагам си лигавник, че има голяма вероятност да се окапя от бързане – та да не ми изяде някой порцията, и бързо започвам да се наслаждавам на тази топла прегръдка, която ни представяш. То си е точно прегръдка – мило, вкусно и родно. :)
    Поздрави, вдъхновителке, отново си прекрасна! :)

    • TiKi says:

      Усмишко с лигавник :) :) Сладка гледка!
      Вкусно нещо е копривената яхния, добре че има коприва на воля тук. Вярно, половината е от сорта “мъртва” и не се ползва за готвене, но откакто започнах да ги различавам (след весела проба-грешка), често прибирам торбичка и я правя на нещо :) :)
      Поздрави, Гериииииииии :) :)

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