Walnut and cocoa cake

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Walnut and cocoa cake
Based on my grandmother’s recipe


4 eggs
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup warm milk
½ cup sunflower or rapeseed oil
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1-2 tablespoons of cocoa
½ cup chopped walnuts
12 walnut halves


Beat the eggs and sugar in a deep bowl. Add oil, milk, vanilla, chopped nuts and the flour with the baking powder. Make a relatively sticky pastry.

Pour 2/3 of the mixture into a greased cake baking dish (crown-shaped). Mix the rest with the sifted cocoa and pour into the mold, going all the way around it. Stir it gently into the white pastry with light circular mouvements. Place the walnut halves over.

Bake the walnut cake at 180°C until a knife comes out clean. Allow about 30-40 minutes.

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2 Responses to Walnut and cocoa cake

  1. Добрият стар кекс, който май е любим на всички! Ех, Тики… Страхотно ти се е получил. И със сигурност ти е бил още по-вкусен заради сантименталната му стойност.
    Сърдечни поздрави, вдъхновителкеее! :) ))

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