Raspberry and coconut pie

Малинов пай с кокос 32 Raspberry and coconut pie

Raspberry and coconut pie

Ingredients for a fluted pie dish of 22 cm:

2 cups of flour (approximately 250 g)
1 egg
130 g butter
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 pinch of salt

25 g grated coconut
10 drops of coconut flavoring
4 tablespoons of flour
2 eggs
30 g of butter
4 to 5 tablespoons of sugar
400 ml of milk (cow or coconut milk)
2 tablespoons of amaro liqueur
300 g raspberries

Малинов пай с кокос 52 Raspberry and coconut pie


For a bigger pie baking dish (of 26 cm in diameter), put 300 g of flour, 200 g of butter and 2 eggs.

Combine the flour, sugar and butter in a bowl and press them between fingers to make buttered crumbs. Then bind into smooth pastry with the egg and a touch of cold water. Keep a small ball of the dough for decoration and roll out the rest into a round sheet which would be 3 cm larger than the fluted pie baking dish. Line the latter with this shortbread dough and refrigerate.

In a saucepan, whisk together the flour, coconut, sugar, eggs and milk until smooth. Bring to a boil while stirring constantly. As soon as the cream begins to set, add the amaro, the flavoring and the butter. Cook for a few more minutes and remove from heat.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and prick the bottom with a fork. Pour the slightly cooled cream over it. Smooth the surface. If you have any cream left over, pour it into small cups and enjoy separately.

Arrange the raspberries on the pie. Then roll out the remaining dough ball and cut it into strips. Refrigerate (or freeze to go faster) if they are too soft. Once firm, cross the strips nicely on the pie.

Bake the raspberry pie at 180°C for about 45 to 50 minutes. Let cool completely before cutting.

Малинов пай с кокос 42 Raspberry and coconut pie

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