Fresh herb pizza

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Fresh herb pizza
Inspired by Yoli icon smile Fresh herb pizza


250 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sesame
150 ml of warm water
5-6 tablespoons olive oil

Fresh thyme, spinach, oregano, arugula, parsley and dill (or other greens)
Dried savory (or fresh)
1 tomato
Sliced ​​smoked ham
Blue cheese
Cheese like Emmental, Gouda, Gruyere


In a bowl, mix 200 grams of the flour, the baking powder, salt and sesame. Stir and bind with olive oil and water. Adding more flour, knead a soft and relatively oily pastry.

Rinse and dry the fresh herbs, remove part of their stems. Then place them on a baking sheet. Salt and drizzle with olive oil. Mix gently by hand. Spread out in an even layer. Then cover with the pizza dough (rolled out into a thin sheet).

Transfer the baking paper (with the pizza preparation on top) in a baking tray. Bake at 200°C until the first signs of gold. Then, remove the dish from the oven, reverse the dough (greens on top) and garnish the herb side with smoked ham (cut into thin slices), wheels of tomatoes and mozzarella, diced blue cheese, a generous handful of grated Parmesan and Emmental.

Sprinkle the herb pizza with dried savory and return to the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve immediately.

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