Bulgarian-style polenta

Качамакът на дядо1 1024x681 Bulgarian style polenta

Bulgarian-style polenta
Or the Katchamak of my grandfather


500 g of maize flour
1 ½ liter of water
Salt and pepper to taste
300 g feta cheese
80 g butter
Sweet paprika


Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan. Salt it. Add the maize flour all at once. It  should remain on the surface. Drill some holes in the floating layer of flour to allow steam to escape.

Simmer at moderate bubbles for 90 minutes. Then, put the pan on the work plan and holding it tight, vigorously stir the content with a large wooden spoon. The polenta should not stick to the edges of the pan and have no lumps.

Butter a rectangular baking dish. Spread inside half of the polenta in an even layer. Smooth the surface with the back of a buttered spoon while soaking the polenta with half of the melted butter. Sprinkle with half of the crumbled feta cheese. Spread a second layer of polenta. Smooth again with butter and sprinkle with feta cheese.

Finish preparing the katchamak by reheating the remaining butter. Add the sweet paprika. Cook briefly, just enough time to enhance its flavor. Pour over the katchamak (polenta). Serve it warm with a cup of yogurt, if you want to taste it as Bulgarians do.

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