Potato gratin with smoked salmon

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Potato gratin with smoked salmon


7-8 potatoes
200 to 250 g smoked salmon
Dried shallots and parsley
Fresh parsley
Grated cheese (emmental, mozzarella, goat cheese, masdaam)
200 ml milk cream
1-2 egg yolks


Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into thin slices and blanch in salted water 10 minutes.

Butter a gratin ovenproof dish. Cover its surface with a layer of potatoes. Butter with a brush, sprinkle with shallots and parsley. Spread over salmon slices and grated cheese. Repeat this with one or two more layers (depending on how deep the dish is). Finish with a salmon and cheese layer.

Beat the egg yolks and cream until smooth consistency, add salt and pour over the gratin.

Bake at 200°C for 20 minutes or until the gratin is golden brown. Serve the potato gratin hot with a fresh green salad.

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